Community Economic Development


The Community & Economic Development Work Group advocates for institutional economic development support, increased partnerships, and incentives for place based economic development strategies in Memphis neighborhoods.

Work Group Chair: Seth Harkins, Executive Director Alcy Ball Development Corporation 

2021 Policy Priorities

The Community & Economic Development Work group convenes community leaders, developers, city officials, and advocates across multiple sectors who believe that improving the quality of life in Memphis communities can drive economic growth in neighborhoods. 

This year the work group will focus on:

  • Advocating for access and opportunities to support community development efforts with local economic development incentive tools( TIF, neighborhood improvement districts, Business Improvement districts, landmark districts, Community builder pilot, ICED Loan, land trust, Catalyst fund)
  • Developing a strategy for greater inclusion of the neighborhoods within the greater Memphis economic development programs and decision-making

Interested in learning more, email [email protected]